Sunday, November 29, 2009

Should sports teams be named after a race of people?


  1. i think the ones that are already named after a race should stay, but there should no longer be anymore

  2. Do you think it should stay if the Native Americans say it is degrading to them?

  3. I think it depends on who says its degradgin them... there are many different tribes of Natve Americans, and not all of them agree or have the same beliefs...

  4. NO! And after seeing those pictures of the Indians it just concludes that it shouldn't...there is plenty of other names/titles in this world that don't even have to remotely offend people

  5. I think no more should be added. But the economic loss a team would eat by changing a name would be too great. Therefore the Redskins for example, would stay. However certain logos should be changed. If I were a Native AMerican I would be much more offended by the Cleveland Indian logo than the name Redskins/Braves/Seminoles/
